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Next-generation Digital Dentistry Platform

Push your practice forward with Atomica AI platform

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Atomica’s Dental Suite

Transform your practice with Atomica Digital Solutions

No matter where you are on your digital journey, our mission is to help you realize the vision you have for your practice. Atomica AI platform gives you a complete, end-to-end solution to unlock the benefits of digital dentistry so you can achieve more growth, efficiency, and peace of mind.

Digitize your workflow

Enabling A Fully Digital Workflow


Scan your patients digitally using Atomica Scanner and replace manual impressions.


Plan and showcase your treatments on the Atomica software suite.


3D print your treatment in-house or through our large lab network.

Solution for Every Indication

Apps for Every Patient Indication

Atomica solutions cover a broad range of indications. We’re continually broadening the scope of our platform to ensure that you receive what you need to deliver exceptional patient care.

Implant Solutions

Plan implant positions, design, and manufacture custom surgical guides and temporary screw-retained crowns in one workflow.

Splint Solutions

(Coming Soon) Design and produce splints, night guards, and mouth guards with a guided, fast and intuitive workflow.

Orthodontic Solutions

(Coming Soon) Our Orthodontic and smile design simulation apps can help you engage your patient and show them the expected treatment outcome.

Restorative Solutions

(Coming Soon) Atomica’s solutions give you tools to deliver complete or temporary prosthetic solutions to your patients on the day of surgery.

Atomica’s Partners

A Rapidly-growing Ecosystem

With over 60 dental partners. We're continually broadening the scope and compataibility of Atomica AI platform to ensure that you receive what you need to deliver exceptional patient care.

Try Our AI-powered Platform

Sign up now and download Atomica Software for free

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